Political Crime Movie “Tatami” Made by two Iranian and Israeli directors

Political Crime Movie "Tatami" Made by two Iranian and Israeli directors

Political Crime Movie “Tatami”

Made by two Iranian and Israeli directors

The Frits Gerlish Award was awarded at the Munich Film Festival.

Zar Amir Ebrahimi, an exiled Iranian and his co-director, Goy Natio Israeli.

The story of Iranian judokar Leila is told.

Who is going to compete against Israel in the world championship.

Tehran regime asks him to cancel the competition.

But Layla has other plans.

The panel of judges, Wednesday evening, July 3 (July 13)

At the prize giving ceremony, he said:

“This movie is about proving individual stability,

Fight for personal freedom and resistance against violence

And the lies and also about the victims involved. “

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