UCLA Department of Sociology: Survey of Iranian American Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists in Southern California


UCLA Department of Sociology Survey of Iranian American

Physicians, Dentists and Pharmacists in Southern California

The UCLA Department of Sociology, is acquiring information about Physicians and Dentists of Iranian ancestry who practice medicine in Southern California. This information will allow them to conduct academic research for an article that bears on the integration of foreign medical practitioners in the United States. As you are no doubt aware, the United States depends heavily on foreign medical practitioners, but what you may not be aware of is how very little, next to nothing really, is known about their experience or utilization. This research will help to remedy this situation.

This research has been endorsed by the The Academy of Persian American Physicians, and is conducted in collaboration with KIRN 670 AM Radio Iran.

The results will be confidential and original protocols will be destroyed once the research is published. The questionnaire will take approximately ten minutes of your time to complete. We know you are busy, and we thank you for your help and cooperation in advance. We appreciate your support in completing this questionnaire!

Follow this link to complete the questionnaire.

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