Fort Worth Officer Aaron Dean Resigns After Fatal Shooting Of Atatiana Jefferson In Her Home

A Fort Worth police officer who fatally shot a woman in her home while she babysat her 8-year-old nephew has resigned from the force, and could still face criminal charges. Interim Police Chief Ed Krauss said on Monday that Officer Aaron Dean, who is white, would have been fired and is considered dishonorably discharged from the department. Krauss also said the U.S. Justice Department will examine the case for possible civil rights violations.

Atatiana Jefferson, 28, was shot through her bedroom window early Saturday by an officer responding to a call from a neighbor who was concerned because her doors were open. S. Lee Merritt, a lawyer for Jefferson’s family, said police not only violated Jefferson’s rights but also made “common sense” mistakes. Jefferson, who was black, worked as a pharmaceutical sales representative. Officer Dean has served on the force for 18 months, police said. 

Investigators were scheduled to interview Officer Dean on Monday. Police also released audio of a neighbor’s calm call to a non-emergency phone number that sent police to the home. 

Fort Worth cop resigns after fatally shooting black woman


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