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Snowy Roofs



Snowy Roofs

Centering on the experiences of Najibe AbasPoor, Zahra Morovati, and Soghra Babazadeh, Snowy Roofs, directed by Haideh Moradi, delves into the lives of the women who live in a village in Ardebil that has no men. Since there are no jobs to be found there, men leave to find work in cities and eventually marry. Only women remain in the village, surrounded by loneliness, the bitter cold, and the crippling unemployment.

Moradi’s camera follows the everyday activities of these women. In their village, found in one the coldest regions of Iran, winter lasts nine months. By focusing on the snowy roofs of their houses, the film captures the burden of solitude and the mundane details of these women’s lives, as well as their self-sacrifice and independence. What is more, these women are an example of a particular side of womanhood: the woman who divorces herself from the marital bond.

Snowy Roofs is part of an upcoming collection of films by Haideh Moradi.


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