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OCIACC & LIFESTREAM Blood Drive: Importance of Blood Donation

Importance of Blood Donation



No one wants to be in the position of needing blood to maintain health, to battle disease, or to recover from injury; however, 1 in 4 of us, at some point in our life, will require a blood transfusion.

In the time it takes to read the words on this page, another 120 transfusions in the U.S. will be required!

With all the medical advances in recent years, this remains constant – blood cannot be manufactured, it cannot be created. It is only available through the generosity of volunteer blood donors.

How are lives touched by blood donors?


Cancer patients need approx. 8 platelet
transfusions weekly.

A liver transplant recipient needs approx. 45
units of red blood cells, plasma and platelets.

Heart surgery patients may need 7 units of
red blood cells and platelets.

A marrow transplant recipient needs up to 45
units of red blood cells and platelet.

Trauma victims can need up to 50 units of red
blood cells, and platelets and plasma.

Sickle cell anemia patients need 2 – 10 units of
red blood cells per treatment.