Docunight (The 17s and the 19th of May)


Docunight (The 17s and the 19th of May)

The 17s follows the lives of a group of 17-year-olds who love acting and theatre. Each of them is given a camera to record themselves, and through these recordings a powerful and unforgettable image of adolescence emerges. These youths passionately strive for their dreams and to prove their uncompromising enthusiasm for acting. Though the cinematography is simple, it is incredibly functional, and it captures both haunting and nostalgic moments well. This film is filled with adolescent humor and is a very enjoyable experiment to watch.

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This short film follows a young woman named Neda and her friends on the day of her thesis defense. The handheld camera observes them during the defense, in the car, and later at an amusement park. It reveals the intimacy they share, their friendship, and the unbreakable bond that unites them. In the last scene of the film some of them get injured at the amusement park, one receiving damage to her spinal cord that leaves her paralyzed. The shift from moments of great happiness to devastating tragedy is heart-rending and is sure to shock and distress some audiences.



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