Get Ready For Negative Unemployment Rates by Darius Lahoutifard, founder of MEDDIC Academy

Darius Lahoutifard, founder of MEDDIC Academy is a Serial Entrepreneur and a former Executive at PTC and Oracle among other software companies. His latest company was Business Hangouts, a Google G Suite live broadcasting app, with millions of users, acquired within 3 years. He is interested and writes about entrepreneurship, startups, technology, enterprise software, SaaS, Sales Leadership, Management, Sales & Leadership Education including specifically the MEDDIC methodology, Marketing, Market Research and more.

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Why Everyone Is Wrong About Automation Killing Jobs

We have never been as worried or pessimistic as today about our economy’s ability to create new jobs faster than others vanish. Every week, we see new articles based on new studies that tell us that self-driving cars are going to push all professional drivers out of a job within five years.

They reason that, since the number of self-driving car programmers is much smaller than the number of drivers, this is a huge net negative for the total number of jobs. Using that same reasoning, they tell us that AI is going even to exterminate the jobs of computer programmers themselves. They even tell us that there will be no more work left for farmers.

As the MIT Technology Review points out, no one agrees on what will happen. So, as a consequence, everyone, or at least almost everyone, is going to be wrong.

This trend is as old as our anxiety about this subject. Back in the 1980’s, with the advent of office automation and manufacturing automation software, we had very similar concerns. But our GDP kept increasing without any increase in the unemployment rate. In the 1990’s, with the birth of the World Wide Web that led to the dot com era, we had very similar concerns. That period produced one giant, which we now know as Amazon, but killed dozens of existing giants, such as Barnes and Noble, Sears, Macy’s, and Best Buy. Today’s anxiety is no different.

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